Month: June 2017

  • Looting GraphQL Endpoints for Fun and Profit

    In one of the previous posts about the state of modern web applications security I mentioned GraphQL – a new technology for building APIs developed by Facebook. GraphQL is rapidly gaining popularity, more and more services switch to this technology, both web and mobile applications. Some of the GraphQL users are: GitHub, Shopify, Pintereset, HackerOne…

  • Arbitrary File Reading in Next.js < 2.4.1

    Next.js is a quite popular (>13k stars on GitHub) framework for server-rendered React applications. It includes a NodeJS server which allows to render HTML pages dynamically. While digging into server’s code, a list of internal routes drew my attention: defineRoutes() { const routes = { /* … */ '/_next/:path+': async(req, res, params) => { const…